Monday, December 2, 2013

Tasks undertaken

1.  Revised chapter 3
2. Participated in BB collaborate 11/25 and 11/17/13
3. Reviewed past work on chapters 3 and 4.
4. Implemented a new data collection pretest
5. Modified data collected to represent results in a graph of student responses.

Time spent on each

1.  1 hour
2.  1 hour
3.  1 hour
4. 2 hours
5. 2 hours


1. Submitted materials chapter 3 and 4.
2. Connected to past examples of projects
3. Preparing to submit data analysis graphs


I used a model of a proposal that had an old APA format style, this was time poorly spent because I had to go back and change the format.  I am happy to have this semester coming to a close.  I think I will connect better to this proposal when I get to start working with the materials described.  If this semester was more practical implementation and less edifice building the semester would have better served my needs.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Tasks undertaken
1.  Revised material as per comments on literature review and needs assessment.
2. Participated in workshop to pilot of two Barnegat bay ecology lessons.
3. Reviewed sample chapter 4 examples. Incorporated IDD material.

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. 8 hours
3. 6 hours

1. Submitted materials
2. Connected to JCNERR and PPA along with NJMEA
3. Preparing to submit chapter 4


The workshop I went to at Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve was practical and I thought that it might overlap with this capstone project.  The thing that I took away from the day was the use of lab journals and the ability of students to write their own labs.  In addition it was a good example of the use of graphing calculators in population ecology.  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Analyzing Performance Problems Mager and Pipe

Tasks undertaken
1. Revised Literature Review
2. Reviewed additional peer reviewed sources.
3. Read Chapters 2 and 5 in IDD text

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. 2 hours
3. 1 hour

1. Submitted revision of review
2. Located meta-analysis of computer based inquiry instruction
3. Focused on context, learner and needs analysis.


I once again have come to the conclusion that much of the time and effort I am putting in to this project would be better directed to create a product that can be used now.  I feel that the theory behind my capstone is sound, yet the time it takes to produce these products is keeping me from implementing, testing, and experimenting with actual best practice.

Analyzing Performance Problems Mager and Pipe

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tuna trip is on depart 4 pm.

Tasks undertaken
1. Created note cards for all articles gathered.
2. Wrote literature review.
3. Revised literature review.

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. 5 hours
3. 1.5 hours

1. Cards all complete
2. Submitted literature review for comments and revisions. 10/20/13


I am revisiting ideas and theories that we originally presented to me in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University.  Many of the authors in the literature review were the authors that I had as professors or colleagues of the GSE instructors.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 5 was helpful

Tasks undertaken
1. Reading Chapters 4-7 in Frankel
2. Filled out Problem sheet 5 Research Review Form
3. Searched for primary sources
4. Read primary sources

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. .5 hours
3. 1.5 hours
4. 3 hours

1. Focus will be on chapter 5 while reading reviewing material for literature review.
2. Updated research problem to make it as precise as possible.
3.  Best sources tend to be related towards studies based on teacher practice.
4. Continue with note cards to record selected material.


I need to write this research review this week.  My editing and revising needs to occur this weekend, and I need to submit the documents prior to departure on Sunday.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Forward never straight.

Tasks undertaken
1. Needs analysis tools
2. Journal Article Acquisition
3. Created Submitted journal critique
4. Investigated open ended sections of New Jersey End of Course Assessment in Biology.

Time spent on each
1. 1 hour
2. 2 hour
3. 3 hour
4. .5 hour

1.  Tools posted as of 10/2/13
2. Became be acquainted with databases and the use of ILLad.
3. Submitted journal critique
4. Located and copied 3 open assessments which may be used for my pre-assessment.

1.  I need to revisit the tools to describe them in more detail.  Focus needs to relate to inquiry process.
2. Obtained articles of importance through ILLad.
3. Working on my writing using APA formats.

4.  Connection between pre-assessment and NJEOC would benefit my students.

The journal articles are helpful they are time consuming to read.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tasks undertaken
1, Updated revised topic statement
2. Viewed and took notes on STEMx web conferences
3. Read for a second time chapters 1-2 Frankel Text
4. Filled out problem sheet one and two from text chapters
5. Revised topic paper
6. Researched applicable SSCI journals using list of provided from Dr. Lee

Time spent on each
1. .5 hour
2. 2 hour
3. 2 hour
4. 2 hour
5. 3 hour
6. 2 hour

1.  Submitted
2. Gained content knowledge for basis of implementation of a stem based classroom.
3. Took notes on all useful terms and definitions
4. Updated my topic and aligned the problem statement to something that will be testable.
5. Incorporated problem statement from text problem sheets one and two.
6. Added references to topic paper.

This stage of my project would be much clearer if I was enrolled in the methods course in STEM education that I wanted to participate in.  Currently much of my time is being spent on revisions that would be easily accessed if I was enrolled in the Endeavor STEM leadership certificate program.   

This problem statement for my topic is hard to develop.  I am going to revisit the textbook to see if I can gain some insight as it pertains to my topic.

Text is friendly but I am studying the details as if I needed to take a test in a college class.

I really could use a science specific resource person.  This type of education course is useful but in the context of day to day teaching having someone that knows the content and can provide meaningful suggestions including knowledge of content would be ideal and practical for my daily teaching.

Monday, September 23, 2013

NOAA Satellite

The autumnal equinox yesterday at 16:44, sees the daily periods of daylight waning and the periods of darkness are becoming longer. Fall is a decent time of year and with predictable patterns which exist at the mid-latitudes.
My topic paper relied on work that was completed last fall in INTC 5160. I will be toiling with implementing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) through:
Eyes in the Sky II An opportunity for teachers and their students to observe, investigate, and understand our planet using an eyes-in-the-sky perspective.
ImageJ is free public domain image processing software developed at the National Institutes of Health. Its power and flexibility allow it to be used as a research tool by scientists in many disciplines, from medicine to astronomy.
GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment)
Atmosphere protocols.