Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tasks undertaken
1. Revised E-version of paper and data narrative
2. Participated Program sign up for 3/31/14
3. Reviewed Edits for proposal compared to edits for eversion of paper.

Time spent on each
1.   6 hours
2.  .05 hours
3.  .5 hours

1. Submitted materials 3rd attempt at e-version of data narrative
2. Preparing to submit hard copies of paper.

The time in this program will be useful for me as I move forward with continued improvement the secondary science instruction.

The details of this project are important to follow, currently I am trying to figure out how to properly label the pages of my paper.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Tasks undertaken
1. Skype tech team at 
2. Implement intervention
3. Replace soil sensor
4. Replace multi day digital thermometer
5. Observe tree species for green up protocol
Time spent on each
1.  1 hours
2.  8 days
3.  2 hours
4.  2 hours
5. 1 hours
1. Found error in data entry corrected for 2/28/14.  Updated data for Southern 3/1/14-3/12/14.
2.  Complete work on exercises 1-4. Data collection for maximum and minimum daily temperature.  Collection of soil sensor data calibration.
3. Dug out old sensor, replace with multiday digital thermometer at a depth of 10 cm.  Soil is still warmer because of lack of grass coverage.
4. Students observed two large trees that are within 50 meters of the instrument shelter.  The trees will be the focus of green procedure.
The large part of the actual intervention took place over the last two weeks. During the teaching of these interconnected lessons I could appreciate the level of development that went in to this problem.  It seemed that the students were engaged, and gains on pre vs post assessment showed evidence of student gains. 

Ideally out of this lesson preparation style, some type of repeatable model would develop so that I could stream line the planning. A template or lesson model would help me to produce student centered lesson products that provide students the medium to develop their skills and the ability to think like a scientist.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tasks undertaken
1.  Revised Atmosphere protocol unit plan worksheets
2. Participated in obtaining soil sensor from MATES.  Dug soil sensor trench 10 cm deep.  Purchased ½” PVC and elbows for sensor wire protection.  Purchased lithium ion batteries for use in sensor during sub-freezing temperatures.
3. Reviewed Visualizations and data on the website
Time spent on each
1.  3 hours
2.  1.5 hour
3.  2 hours
1. Submitted materials Update worksheets exercises at Google Site Worksheets page
2. Connected Dr. John Wnek at MATES
3. Preparing to submit Site definition along with sensor calibration to Also plan on updating content intervention to reflect mock up test run of intervention.

Reflections A bit of challenge to work this material in to the lesson at this time of year.  This content is better suited for use at the start of the year during marking period 1.  That being said, this project once up and running takes minimal time during a normal school week.  The startup is rather labor intense.  I have still run in to issues for uploading data to the GLOBE site, currently I am trying to reset solar noon for our thermometer.  I am not sure whether this site reset time is reflecting Greenwich Mean Time UTC or local time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tasks undertaken
1.  Revised Instructional Intervention content, Instructional Product
2. Participated Black Board Collaborate Café 2/10/14 and Conference 2/17/14
3. Reviewed Materials for data collection through GLOBE Protocol Atmosphere and Phenology

Time spent on each
1.  2 hours
2.  1 hour
3.  1.5 hours

1. Submitted materials
Instructional Product 2/17/14
2. Connected
User email:
Password: Brooktrout88
3. Preparing to submit
Formative assessments of intervention.  Aligning flow of mock up sections of the project for one trial group/class.


Was able to contact the retailer of the thermometer that was shiped not functioning properly.  They are going to allow me to keep the thermometer and refunded my payment, so I will have one that we can use as an example in the classroom. I still need to get one that works 100% for the instrument shelter.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tasks undertaken

1.  Revised chapter 3
2. Participated in BB collaborate 11/25 and 11/17/13
3. Reviewed past work on chapters 3 and 4.
4. Implemented a new data collection pretest
5. Modified data collected to represent results in a graph of student responses.

Time spent on each

1.  1 hour
2.  1 hour
3.  1 hour
4. 2 hours
5. 2 hours


1. Submitted materials chapter 3 and 4.
2. Connected to past examples of projects
3. Preparing to submit data analysis graphs


I used a model of a proposal that had an old APA format style, this was time poorly spent because I had to go back and change the format.  I am happy to have this semester coming to a close.  I think I will connect better to this proposal when I get to start working with the materials described.  If this semester was more practical implementation and less edifice building the semester would have better served my needs.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Tasks undertaken
1.  Revised material as per comments on literature review and needs assessment.
2. Participated in workshop to pilot of two Barnegat bay ecology lessons.
3. Reviewed sample chapter 4 examples. Incorporated IDD material.

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. 8 hours
3. 6 hours

1. Submitted materials
2. Connected to JCNERR and PPA along with NJMEA
3. Preparing to submit chapter 4


The workshop I went to at Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve was practical and I thought that it might overlap with this capstone project.  The thing that I took away from the day was the use of lab journals and the ability of students to write their own labs.  In addition it was a good example of the use of graphing calculators in population ecology.  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Analyzing Performance Problems Mager and Pipe

Tasks undertaken
1. Revised Literature Review
2. Reviewed additional peer reviewed sources.
3. Read Chapters 2 and 5 in IDD text

Time spent on each
1. 2 hours
2. 2 hours
3. 1 hour

1. Submitted revision of review
2. Located meta-analysis of computer based inquiry instruction
3. Focused on context, learner and needs analysis.


I once again have come to the conclusion that much of the time and effort I am putting in to this project would be better directed to create a product that can be used now.  I feel that the theory behind my capstone is sound, yet the time it takes to produce these products is keeping me from implementing, testing, and experimenting with actual best practice.

Analyzing Performance Problems Mager and Pipe