Sunday, June 12, 2011

Actual conditions may differ from reports. Point Tally on bottom

The fishing reports have been outstanding.  Over the last 10 days, fishermen on L.B.I. have caught the largest striped bass of the spring.  Most of these fish are caught while the striped bass are feeding  under and on schools of large bait fish.  These bait fish are named Atlantic Menhaden, locally called bunker.  You may have used bunker to catch blue claw crabs, most times it is sold frozen and then chunked and placed in crab traps. 

Personally I was able to do well catching stripers about two weeks ago.  Usually I will harvest enough to keep a supply that lasts through the summer until fall.  During fall, the fish return and local anglers have an opportunity once again to chase striped bass along the New Jersey coast.

Atlantic Menhaden

Atlantic Menhaden
(Locally Bunker)

INTC 5001
Student Score Tally Sheet
Student Name:
Required Activities
Activity NameMax PointsPoints Earned%
IT History Exhibit2525100%
Weekly Blog/Peer Comments5480%
Discussion Posts4375%
Virtual Tools55100%
Tool Time Demo66100%
Personal Learning Network55100%
Total for Required Items:504896%
Optional Activities(50 Points Total)
Simulated Interview10 0%
Global Collaboration*10 0%
Survey10 0%
Time Capsule10 0%
Digital Story10 0%
Instructional Game10 0%
Annotated Bibliography55100%
Common Craft10 0%
glogster5 0%
Repository Analysis10990%
Standards Consolidation10 0%
Insight Summary5 0%
PRS lesson10 0%
Total For Optional Items:504692%
*strongly encouraged project
Final Point Score:1009494%


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Trout in the Classroom

Today I will be releasing the brook trout that the kids have been raising.  This is through a state supported program called Trout in the Classroom. In mid October over 105 schools in the state receive brook trout eggs from Pequest Trout Hatchery.  Students in the class learn about the life cycle of the brook trout , and has  a focus on cold water conservation. 
This is the fifth year I have run a TIC tank, and each year is different.  This year many of 300 eggs we started with were not viable.  Basically there is a sorter at the hatchery that separates the dead eggs, normally this keeps the number of dead eggs we receive in October low.  This year the sorter was on the fritz so we started fewer viable eggs than normal.
This year I am releasing 5 trout in the Toms River Trout Conservation Area.  I look forward to running the program again next year. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Headwind 2011

This is a link to two people that we met on the beach a few weeks ago.  Headwind 2011
They are recent college graduates that could not find jobs, so they decided to plan a trip to ride their bikes across the country.  I met them one Sunday morning before the sun rose over the ocean.  
Picture this, there were two people asleep on the beach in full on sleeping bags, they had their bikes near them loaded down with saddles bags.  I went out to surf but could not help but wonder who these people on the beach were.  When the riders woke up, they put their rear tires in the Atlantic and snapped a picture.  Their goal is to ride all the way to the Pacific and snap another photo with the front tires of their bikes in the water. 
I found these two spirits very up-lifting.  I always like to think about what you really need to survive.  With this kind of trip they certainly will discover what necessity is. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

On shore flow

The persistent easterly wind pattern promotes an increase in striped bass activity along our beaches.  Last evening I happened across two striped bass.  They were both above the legal limit of 28"; I released the first one and was lucky enough to catch a second fish.  The second fish I kept.  Hopefully we will see decent action over the next couple of days.

Video link to a piece powder magazine just released American Tradition of Tuckerman Ravine

Text for Mouseover

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Picnic

We certainly hit the weather.  This weekend was great for being outside.  On Sunday my family hiked out to the end of the rock jetty in Barnegat Light.  We had a nice mid-day picnic with the neighbors and our dogs.  I was trying to hit a striper in the surf, but with the clear water and high sun had little or no action. 

Here is a link to the local fishing reports.

I usually enter the Simply Bassing Tournament.  This is a surf fishing tourney that promotes the local street end as the optimal place to fish.  Winds are going north today with a building north east.  Hopefully I will find some fish interested in my offering.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Archived Photos of Tuckerman's Ravine 4/22/11

These photos are shot by the AMC caretaker on 4/22/11.  This is the day we hiked and skied the ravine.  The last photos show how things change when the sun goes behind the mountain.  People were frozen in line on the climb up the headwall. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, the sun

Today the sun came out. After weather conditions that suggest winter is still with us, most of the Vermonters we know are done with it. My wife, Juliet, and I hiked up Mt. Mansfield, home to Stowe ski  resort. We skinned up a ski trail to a more than 100-year-old stone hut at the top. It is part of the AMC and Long Trail system of trails and shelters. We are preparing to skin and ski on Mt. Washington, in New Hampshire, later this week.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lucky winter was just here.


I am lucky enough to be visiting my wife's parents in Morrisville, Vermont.  My wife and I are enjoying their company along with the great food that we have been preparing. 

During this week I plan on putting up some photos of our skiing and hiking.  The ski lifts are closed so most of the skiing is done by "skinning" up the mountains with telemark ski equipment. 

I'm looking forward to the course; the new tools have my interest.